
E.O.C Soirée and Networking Event

Published by: ComeSeeTv
26/09/2015 06:30 PM - 26/09/2015 09:02 PM -
Views: 4,271
'''''E.O.C Soirée and Networking Event'''''
'''''E.O.C Soirée and Networking Event'''''

Calling all Entrepreneurs! 

When was the last time you:

Got dressed?
Went out?
Met new people?
Created new business opportunities?
And had fun at the same time?

How about doing all of that and more for FREE at the 

E.O.C Soirée and Networking Event!

Who says you can't work and play!

SEPT. 26, 2015 - Save the date and see you then!


Watch it (and all the BU productions thereafter) live here:


For more information about Entrepreneur on Call (E.O.C) check outBeautifully You for the weekly webisodes! You can also watch them on DanieBU YouTube and BU Campaign channel.

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